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GILBA Awards 2023

9th December 2023 in Dublin, Ireland




link to program: GILBA Awards 2023


Dear Members and Friends of GILBA,


after the great success of our annual conference, we are happy to announce 

the next event on 9th December 2023 together with and at University College Dublin (UCD).

The GILBA Awards 2023 will take place at UCD in Dublin.

Please join us in congratulating the award winners for their outstanding achievements.

We have planed a great program with interesting presentations and 

a lot of networking opportunities. 

We are also happy to announce that we are able to have an event free of charge.

Further information are attached and will follow!

Kind regards,

Michael, Enda, Marcus, Hilkka and Thomas






Geschäftsstelle in Deutschland

c/o Dr. Michael Hördt

Bahnstr. 23

63225 Langen (Hessen)



Office in Ireland

c/o Anna Hickey
Philip Lee LLP
Connaught House
One Burlington Road
Dublin 4
D04 C5Y6